Monday, January 28, 2008

Whatcha Up To Today?

The answer is, sadly, not much. This was one of those amazing and rare days when both of the kidlets were at play practice until 5:30, which should mean I would have a lovely looooong day at the studio to do piles of stuff.

Sadly, however, my parenting and dog owning duties mean I didn't get there until about 1:00, and I had finished a bunch of stuff and didn't have a good sense about what I was going to do next. I was also listening to an audiobook, which meant I wasn't going to write, because I had a head full of somebody else's style.

On the plus side, I did figure out how to print envelopes from the computer, and got the studio rent, the parking fee and a letter to my friend in Washington all sent out.

1 comment:

無料提供!!情報商材・商品徹底分析!!(初心者向け) said...

I took Japanese women. Wanted to make friends.
If the link if you like, please.